Sociedad Española de Neurociencia

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Actualidad  SENC

FENS 2026. Early Career Training Programme (ECTP)

The Spanish Society of Neurosciences (SENC), as the Host Society (HSC) for FENS 2026, to be held in Madrid from 4–8 July 2026, is pleased to announce the Early Career Training Programme (ECTP), supported by FENS. This initiative provides Early Career Researchers...

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Actualidad  SENC

FENS 2026. Early Career Training Programme (ECTP)

The Spanish Society of Neurosciences (SENC), as the Host Society (HSC) for FENS 2026, to be held in Madrid from 4–8 July 2026, is pleased to announce the Early Career Training Programme (ECTP), supported by FENS. This initiative provides Early Career Researchers...

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