Brain Awareness Week
The campaign for brain awareness is a worldwide celebration which brings together scientists, families, schools and different communities for one week in March. Brain Awareness Week is held by The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and represents an opportunity to show off the latest advances in the scientific study of the brain.
The SENC is joining in the celebration of Brain Awareness Week, financing educational activities (open days, talks, visits to schools, workshops, etc.) proposed by our members.
To apply for funding, visit SENC Grants.
The following activities in Brain Awareness Week have been financed by the SENC in recent years:
Brain Awareness Week 2024
11/03/2023 – 17/03/2022
Financed Activities
CerebrUS divulga: Semana del cerebro en Sevilla (Alonso Carlos Cerdeño Arévalo. Universidad de Sevilla)
Semana del Cerebro del Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León (David Díaz López, Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León)
XIII Brain Awareness Week 2023 (Alicia Flores Cuadrado. Facultad de Medicina de Ciudad Real)
Brain Awareness Week 2023
13/03/2023 – 19/03/2022
Financed Activities
XII Brain Awareness Week 2023 (Alicia Flores Cuadrado. Facultad de Medicina de Ciudad Real)
Brain Awareness Week (Arantxa Tabernero Urbieta, Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León)
Brain Awareness Week 2022
14/03/2022 – 20/03/2022
Financed Activities
Semana del Cerebro de Alicante 2022 (Juan Antonio Moreno Bravo , Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante)
Brain Awareness Week 2022 (Alicia Flores Cuadrado. Facultad de Medicina de Ciudad Real)
Brain Awareness Week 2019
11/03/2019 – 17/03/2019
Financed Activities
Brain Awareness Week (Neuroscience and art) (Juan José Rodríguez Gotor, Unversidad de Sevilla)
Semana Mundial del Cerebro (Diego Echevarría Aza. Instituto de Neurociencias de la Universidad Miguel Hernández, Alicante)
NeuroMascletà 2019: divulgación a través de las fallas (M Carmen Agustín Pavón. Universidad de Valencia)
Brain Awareness Week 2018
12/03/2018 – 18/03/2018
Financed Activities
Escape from Stress (Carlos Barcia. Institut de Neurociències (INc) de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, UAB, Barcelona)
BAW Faculty of Medicine (Alicia María Flores. U. Castilla la Mancha, Ciudad Real)
NeuroChef: ¡Flavoring! (María del Rosario Fernández Fernández. Museo de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), Madrid)
Art and Neuroscience III: A Fusion of Knowledge and Enjoyment (Génova Carrero Rojas. Facultad de Biologia, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla)
IV Brain Awareness Week BCBL and Eureka! (Manuel Carreiras Valiña. Zientzia Museoa, Donostia-San Sebastián)
Experimental models for the study of the functioning of the Brain (Diego Echevarría Aza. Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, INA-UMH, Alicante)
Brain Awareness Week 2017
13/03/2017 – 17/03/2017
Financed Activities
Brain Week (Leire F. Hernández Centro Integral de Neurociencias (CINAC), Móstoles, Madrid).
Brain Week (David Díaz López, Universidad de Salamanca).
Brain Awareness Week: Get to know a neuroscientist! (María del Mar Dierssen Sotos, Center for Genomic Regulation(CRG), Barcelona).
NeuroMascletà (Carmen Agustín Pavón, Universitat de València).
Art and Neuroscience II: A Fusion of Knowledge and Enjoyment (Ángela Fontán, Universidad de Sevilla).
Experimental models for the study of the functioning of the Brain (Diego Echevarría Aza, Institute of Neurosciences – Miguel Hernández University, Alicante).
Brain Week (Alicia María Flores Cuadrado, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real).
A history of the brain. His past and present (Inmaculada Pereda, Francisco de Vitoria University, Madrid).
III Brain Week BCBL and Eureka !, Zientzia Museoa (Manuel Carreras Valiña, Donostia San Sebastián).
What is the Central Nervous System (Roser Bastida Barau, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
Brain Week 2016
14/03/2016 – 20/03/2016
Financed Activities
Art and Neuroscience: on the edge of beauty and knowledge (Beatriz Benítez Termiño, Universidad Sevilla).
II brain week BCBL y Eureka!, Zientzia Museoa (Manuel Carreiras, Donostia, San Sebastián).
Brain Week in Salamanca: dissemination and Neuroscience workshops (David Díaz López, University of Salamanca).
Round table: Biological bases of violence (Diego Echevarría Aza, Institute of Neurosciences – Miguel Hernández University, Alicante).
Joy, sadness, fear … everything a movie for children can teach us about how the Brain works (Rosario Fernández Fernández, National Center for Biotechnology (CNB), Madrid).
Healthy Brain Habits – CELEBRATING THE BRAIN! (María Trinidad Herrero, University of Murcia).
Cajal From the brain to the machine (Miriam Mecha, Cajal Institute, Madrid).
NeuroMascletà (Carmen Agustín Pavón, Universidad de Valencia).
VI brain week (Francisco Javier Sancho, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real).
Brain Polyphony: Listen the Brain (María del Mar Dierssen Sotos, Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) Barcelona)
Know the nervous system, health and disease (Raquel Abalo, Rey Juan Carlos I University).
Brain Week 2015
16/03/2015 – 22/03/2015
Financed Activities
From sensation to perception: illusion or reality? (Carles Escera, University of Barcelona).
José E. Esteban talk (Carlos Matute, Achúcarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, Lejona, Vizcaya).
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