Animal Welfare and Experimentation

Meet the Welfare and Animal Experimentation Committee


The mission of the Animal Welfare and Experimentation Committee is to channel all of the information related to animal experimentation, in the widest sense possible, which may be useful to SENC members, both for students and for trainee or senior researchers. The main focus of attention is coordination with other similar committees in Spanish Scientific Societies and, especially, with European committees with the same purpose. The Committee has a special interest in the participation of SENC members in this work, both by providing information and/or proposing joint activities, and also by collaborating actively in them. We invite you to consult the principles laid down in the Transparency Agreement on the use of animals in scientific experiments in Spain, proposed by the COSCE in collaboration with the EARA, and to which SENC has given its support.

Animals in experiments, key players in science

We scientists have more interest than anyone in regulating, legislating and minimising the use of animals in experiments. This Committee will inform, promote, debate and help all Spanish neuroscientists in this task, and to do so we work closely with our European peers.







As well as the documents and regulations offered by the SENC, at the website of the FELASA, the Federation for Laboratory Animal Science Associations, you can consult different documents which may be useful when making applications to the Ethics Committees, choosing animal handling courses or designing protocols for animal experimentation:

NC3Rsis a British national centre which offers support to any person working in animal research (scientists, technicians, vets, legislators, etc.) in three areas:

a) compliance with the 3 Rs,

b) experimental design which is as robust and reproducible as possible,

c) advice on animal welfare.


Visit their website at advice on the design of experiments with animals from the Experimental Design Assistant (EDA) click



  • Holding Scientific Symposia on the occasion of events organised by SENC members.
  • Organisation of activities during the SENC Biennial Conference.
  • Communication through the SENC Newsletter of forthcoming events related to the welfare of animals in experiments.

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