History Committee


Ever since Santiago Ramón y Cajal began the huge task of research into the structure and organisation of the nervous system (final decades of the 19th century), which was the true foundation of modern neuroscience, the contributions of Spanish neuroscientists in different areas of the speciality have been fundamental and, in some of the older cases, it could be said that, a century on, their pioneering contributions are still valid today. But we should not think exclusively of the historical figures among the outstanding members of what has come to be called the Spanish Neurohistological School (also known more colloquially as the Cajal School or the Madrid School), such as the brothers Santiago and Pedro Ramón y Cajal, Francisco Tello, Nicolás Achúcarro, Pío del Río-Hortega, Fernando de Castro and Rafael Lorente de Nó, since the contributions of later Spanish neuroscientists have been and continue to be fundamental in many fields of modern neuroscience. This is true to the point that some are making Neuroscience History today. Therefore, channelling all of the information about the History of Spanish Neuroscience that could be useful to SENC members is a primordial task to make it useful to both students and teachers. Encouraging study and the organisation of events motivated by the history of neuroscience in general and Spanish neuroscience in particular, with a specific focus (people, subject matter) within a world historical context. The quest for possible sources of funding (projects, aid) and recognition (awards) for these studies and events. The relationship with the FENS Committee on the History of Neuroscience, the Cajal Club and other societies with an interest in the history of neuroscience. The Committee takes special interest in the participation of SENC members in this task, both by providing information and/or proposing joint activities, and by collaborating actively in them


Activities to be developed in the 2022-2023 biennium 


Living History of Neuroscience: A continuation of the series already started by the previous committee. Chair: Alejandro Gómez Marín


Family tree of Spanish neuroscience: the aim of this Project is to achieve a study of the research groups, institutions, their scientific relationships with other groups/institutions and lines of research derived from these interactions. Chair: Cristina Nombela Otero


Excellent Neuroscientists in the History of Neuroscience the aim is to show to the new generations of Spanish neuroscientists about those neuroscientist with a higher influence in current Neuroscience. Chair: Pedro de la Villa Polo


Classical techniques in the study of Neuroscience: also with the aim of making the new generations of Spanish neuroscientists aware of the methodological advances that have had the greatest impact on current Neuroscience. Chair: Elena Vecino Cordero


Specific projects developed by the members of the committee or other members of SENC.

  • Relationships between artists and neuroscientists throughout history.
  • Influence of Arabic science in the development of neuroanatomical terminology.
  • From structure to function in the history of neuroscience.

Current History of Neuroscience Committee 

Pedro de la Villa Polo

Departamento de Biología de Sistemas
Universidad de Alcalá

Carmen Cavada

Departamento de Anatomía, Histología y Neurociencia
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Miguel Ángel García Cabezas

Departamento de Anatomía, Histología y Neurociencia
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Francisco Germain Martínez

Departamento de Biología de Sistemas
Universidad de Alcalá

Alejandro Gómez Marín

Universidad Miguel Hernández
Instituto de Neurociencias. CSIC

Cristina Nombela Otero

Departamento de Biológica Psicológica y de la Salud
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Manuel Sánchez-Malmierca

Professor, Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Neurosciences of Castilla y León
University of Salamanca

Elena Vecino Cordero

Departamento de Biología
Universidad del País Vasco

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