Women in Neuroscience

Meet the Women in Neuroscience Committee

Neuroscience is for girls (but not women – yet)


There is a tendency to think that the gap between the number of men and women in science is closing. However, the statistics throw up data which suggests we might conclude the opposite. It could even be that, today, the discrimination suffered by women scientists is even more subtle and difficult to perceive. On the one hand, the number of women graduates in the different university degrees has been growing continuously and, in some cases, amply exceeds the number of men. On the other hand, this data has not had any effect over the last 30 years when we look at the positions of higher responsibility and prestige in science.


Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud

Universidad de Almería

Instituto Neurociencias de Alicante

Instituto Neurociencias
de Castilla y León

Universidad Rovira i Virgili
Grupo de Investigación en
Neurocomportamiento y Salud

Hospital Parapléjicos
de Toledo

Pablo Olavide

Universidad de Navarra

Achucarro Basque
Center for Neuroscience

Presentación del video: “Women in Neuroscience Talks”, que recoge testimonios de investigadoras senior internacionales.

Charlas divulgativas cortas (15-20 min) impartidas por científicas del propio centro y una ponente internacional.
Formato: Semipresencial – Online y Salón de Actos del Instituto de Neurociencias

Charla On line “ El cerebro masculino y femenino” (12:00h) Streaming: Canal YouTube UCCi-USAL.
Proyección documental “El enigma de Agustina” (19:00h- Teatro Juan de la Enzina, Salamanca)

10 de febrero de 16 a 18h: Simposio y experiencias de jóvenes neurocientíficas

Actividad interactiva en los colegios (una investigadora acompañada de un investigador)

Charlas divulgativas en los bares

Cinefórum «Mi aventura con el cerebro: vida y ciencia de la doctora Marian Diamond»
El 10 de febrero, a las 19h., en Civivox Iturrama (Pamplona), se proyectará en versión original, con subtítulos en castellano
La entrada a las actividades es libre, es necesario inscribirse previamente. Se puede hacer de forma presencial en cualquier centro Civivox u online



– Holding scientific symposia with only women speakers Women Neuroscientists’ Meeting
2019 See the programs
See the programs

– Organisation of activities during the SENC Biennial Conference and during the meeting of the Cajal Conference.

Get to know our women neuroscientists


A series of interviews with women members of SENC, with a dual objective:

i) to the raise the profile of women neuroscientists, so that their careers and experience can be a role model for other women and for society in general, and

ii) to gather together ideas and demands that can be channelled and put into practice through the SENC.

Other links of interest

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